We’re here to help. Establishing an ongoing partnership with your doctor will always be the best way to help manage your psoriasis and overall health.
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes raised, red or silvery, scaly patches (plaques) to appear on the skin. It is an auto-immune disease in which patients shed their skin too quickly, causing dead skin cells to pile up on the surface. Normal skin cell turnover usually takes about a month, but for patients with psoriasis the turnover can happen in only a few days.
Affecting over 8 million adults in the United States, psoriasis is a common skin condition that develops in both men and women at equal rates – often first appearing between the ages of 15 and 35. While scientists differ on its exact cause, genetics and the immune system both play major roles in the development of psoriasis.
Plaque psoriasis is the most common form of the disease; however, there are many other types that you should be aware of. DUOBRII Lotion is only approved to treat adults with plaque psoriasis. Talk to your doctor if you recognize any of the symptoms described below.
For more information on the different types of psoriasis.
Some experts believe psoriasis flares may be triggered by things from outside the body. What affects one patient may not affect another. Some outside triggers might include†:
How is it Diagnosed?
Your doctor will assess the severity of your psoriasis. Depending on the percentage of your body surface area (BSA) that is affected by recurring scaly patches, psoriasis is categorized as mild, moderate, or severe. All of these can often be managed through proper treatment and medical supervision. To get an idea of how to measure BSA, your entire hand is equal to about 1% of your BSA.
In addition to BSA, the severity of your plaque psoriasis is measured by how it impacts your day-to-day activities and feelings, so make sure to be completely honest with your doctor when getting assessed.
Treatment Options
Every patient’s journey is different, so finding the right psoriasis treatment for you may not happen immediately. Keep in mind that new solutions are continually being developed.
Your doctor may suggest one of the following treatment options to help get your psoriasis under control.
If you have psoriasis, you may have a greater chance of having other health conditions as well. If you think you have symptoms of one of these conditions, talk to your doctor.